
Counting on one hand the days until I go. I start hiking March 23rd, but I leave Seattle March 21st. (You must leave to go, and though they coexist always, leaving and going are different experiences. I’m still in the leaving, but the sense of going is starting to grow.)

The question I get more than any other: Why are you doing this? Why go on long hikes? Some answers come to mind, but this is not an exhaustive list. Even so, it does capture some of why I go, and what I find out there.

-Higher highs, lower lows. The emotional spirals of being human widen when I hike. I get elated, scared, content, tired, lonely, bored, surprised, and I mean I really feel these things. I am colonized by the experience. I think part of why it comes so strong is a general lack of distractions that might otherwise dampen my inner life.

-Lack of distractions. Phone, internet, important emails are absent except while in town. One of the reasons people go to retreats, abbeys and remote mountain monasteries, is to remove the clutter of all these distractions. Time spent without constant interruption is rare and even somewhat painful (see the point above), but so critical to mental health and well being. Who are we when we aren’t using distractions to avoid ourselves?

-Wild outside, wild inside. The language of the soul is spoken in the wilderness. We forget this. We are task-oriented apes, always grinding away rocks and turning them to pebbles, proudly stacking them next to us. We think we will die self-satisfied to have such piles around us, the efforts of hours and hours of labor. But then we have moments where we wake up: a bird in a tree, a nighttime star, wind on the skin. That moment of being awake to the world is like slipping into not knowing and just being. The mysterious wild outside reflects our own mysterious inner wilderness, and a step into the first is equally a step into the second. There is a quote that I love from Samuel Beckett:

Perhaps that’s what I feel, an outside and an inside and me in the middle, perhaps that’s what I am, the thing that divides the world in two, on the one side the outside, on the other the inside, that can be as thin as foil, I’m neither one side nor the other, I’m in the middle, I’m the partition, I’ve two surfaces and no thickness, perhaps that’s what I feel, myself vibrating, I’m the tympanum, on the one hand the mind, on the other the world, I don’t belong to either.

-Body imperatives. The objectives of a day on the trail are absurdly simple and driven by the needs of the body. At its most basic, there is one meta goal: step by step, make it to the end of the hike. That goal provides the general orientation for everything else, the way a magnet under a sheet of paper will organize iron filings. Everything else is the body: hunger, thirst, tiredness, pain. The day to day work of hiking is optimizing these parameters, a two-month balancing act that brings a deeper embodied experience.

-The wilderness will change you. You’ve got to get out into it and really become vulnerable. Let it make you suffer some and also let it soothe you. It will get into your body and do work on you. You will adapt. You will fall into its rhythms. You will learn that fearless means knowing the nature of your fear and the quality of its voice in your head, and knowing how to walk step after step with it. Wait for your body to harmonize with its environment and live in exchange with the rocks, the rivers, the weather. This is art as experience.

-Snickers. Enough said.

12 thoughts on “Why?

  1. Jerry Whitmarsh

    That is beautifully put. I don’t get asked so much why I do it, (being male?) but I often get asked why I prefer to go on my own. Most of the reasons above apply mainly to solo hiking.. there is no other way to feel truly at one with the wilderness.
    Have a greaat hike Katherine

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gary and Patti

    Hi Katherine, this is Gary from Del Norte (GDMBR). I found this blog via Erin’s blog. We’re excited to see you’re taking on Hayduke, I’ve been intrigued by it for years. We’ll be following your adventure closely. Best of luck!


  3. tandemtrekking

    Katherine, I was introduced to your blog by Melissa Bennett and I love it! Would you mind if I re-blogged this post? It perfectly captures all the reasons I loved the AT and all the reasons we are planning on hiking the PCT next year. I mean, Snickers most of all, but everything else is pretty spot on as well 🙂


  4. tandemtrekking

    Reblogged this on tandem trekking and commented:
    Was introduced to this incredible lady and her newest adventure by a friend. Her thoughts on WHY hike a long trail or undertake a long bike ride or something in that wheel house are some of the most concise, poetic, and true representations of emotions I haven’t been able to put into words that I have read yet. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did and visit her blog.


  5. where we are

    Reblogged this on where we are and commented:
    This blog post is really well written and definitely delves into the variety of reasons we are pulled to hiking adventures. I haven’t done any super crazy hikes yet, but my appetite for hiking seems to grow and grow. Part of it is the adventure. Part of it is the accomplishment and pride that I feel afterwards. But maybe the biggest part is that I get to see things from a view that wouldn’t have been possible without the hike.


  6. Irene Mahler

    Katherine, thank you for your beautifully written insights. You’re an inspiration. Enjoy and savor your experience. Look forward to following you.


  7. Joan Hanna

    I am beginning and you are almost to the end, perhaps I will catch up for I am reading and you my new friend are hiking…I thrive on inspiring words to help me on the this rugged path of life..
    this entry has boosted my aspiration to raise the bar , walks to hikes, invite the vulnerable,
    enter into life …test these two new hips and …..what go into the unknown
    thank you Katherine



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